2024.04.30 – We asked veterinary office for comment

We don’t care if someone takes money to tell other people some crap. If he drags his animals along with him, then they should be fine and pose no danger. We don’t see that in a specific case. The document is understandably in German, and we cannot publish the attachments mentioned for data protection and …

2024.04.27 – The grass is always greener on the other side – sheep owners go comedy

Here’s a video, unfortunately in German only. A sheep owner and breeder (!) – who loves his sheep soooo very much – has sheep killed by the wolf. A fence was installed by NABU and therefor should be insurmountable by any means. It wasn’t. The commentator reports on the poor shepherd in a way that …

2024.04.26 – Jura ist nicht gleich Jura (German only)

English comment: this is about the investigation against our beloved “Sonja”, which has to do with German law. Pretty uninteresting for our English readers, so this is in German only. Manchmal fragt man sich, ob einige Anwälte ihr Jurastudium bestenfalls bei der Volkshochschule abgeschlossen haben. Und da ging’s dann vermutlich auch eher um ausgestorbene Tierchen …

2024.04.26 – Some jews don’t speak Hebrew – wonderful :)

Haha, wonderful 🙂 And so true. German speakers might have it relatively easy with older Jews / Israelis, as “Jiddish” is pretty close to German and still quite a lot of German words have a jiddish origin. For business or younger Jews / Israelis I recommend the two minimum sentences in Hebrew (btw…… it’s not …

2024.04.25 – Interrogation as a witness went as expected

As already expected, today’s interrogation was about a new investigation by the Siegen public prosecutor’s office against Brigitte Sommer for (attempted) process fraud. We have already reported on this in the past. By the way, it’s no use, dear star lawyer for the opposing side, if you deny the Siegen public prosecutor’s office access to …

2024.04.22 – We have filed a report at veterinary office Cuxhaven

Two dogs, one of them unwanted and not liked, both old, both probably sick so they will hardly survive 2024 (according to owners own information), have to stay more than 8 hours daily in a dog pound without anyboy caring for them during this time. We hope the vet office will take care of this …

2024.04.20 – When it comes to wolves, there seem to be just criminals ;)

A former German lawyer loses his license because he falsifies documents. Now he illegally keeps wolf hybrids in his moldy wooden hut, which he was actually evicted from long ago. He just can’t move out because nobody knows where the critters can be housed. Now he says he had to have three of the wolves …

2024.04.18 – Fraud investigation still going on

Hanau public prosecutor’s office is stubborn. Her lawyer is really a very clever person, stating the file charger would not understand the connections of this case and all his / her accusations are baseless. He also mentioned, he would charge a file because of “wrong suspicion”. Does this very clever man understand, that a) I …

Update 2024.04.17 – More than 300 missiles fired from Iran

First reaction of our German “friends”: Empörung nach Tweet: Bundestags-Vizepräsidentin gibt Israel Mitschuld an Angriff – FOCUS online Während der Nahe Osten brennt, pennen ARD und ZDF – mal wieder – FOCUS online It’s not the right-wing parties that is the main problem for Israel, they are far too small. It’s the mainstream leftist idiots …

2024.04.12 – Weapons Possesion Card with mental illness?

How is it possible, that Germans are able to get a WPC (Waffenbesitzkarte, grün), even they have been diagnosed to suffer from mental illness (F 84.5) as long as they are licensed hunters, and all other gun carriers will have to hand out a medical report that there has not been diagnosed any kind of …

2024.04.09 – Velocity Siegerland is gone. We knew it long time ago.

Nearly one year ago “Velocity Siegerland” was hyped. We were massively insulted by so-called green do-gooders, municipal employees and of course all those who believe that in a region with altitudes between 200 and 600 m, 40 cm of snow and minus 25 degrees in winter and a summer that can be determined by the …

2024.04.05 – Some people never learn it

Sometimes I wonder how arrogant, stupid or ignorant some people can be. With full knowledge of the facts, principles are adhered to no matter what. Even if they don’t help and only harm them. At some point I’m really excited about the big, incomprehensive, pleading eyes. I too will then be arrogant and ignorant.