2024.04.18 – Fraud investigation still going on

Hanau public prosecutor’s office is stubborn.

Her lawyer is really a very clever person, stating the file charger would not understand the connections of this case and all his / her accusations are baseless.

He also mentioned, he would charge a file because of “wrong suspicion”. Does this very clever man understand, that a) I am not the file charger, I am just the witness (somebody else told the police, not me), b) it does not matter what the file charger understands, the fact is that the public prosecutor’s office is investigating, seems at least THEY do understand, and c) the accuser in this case will not be the file charger but the state of Germany?

I’m really looking forward to the end of all of this. Until then I will have to stop further activities towards our beauty, which is one of the hardest things for myself.

One Comment

  1. Der Anwalt ist sowieso witzich. Droht mit Strafanzeige wegen 164 Stgb, die sowohl eine vorsätzliche als auch eine wissentlich falsche Beschuldigung voraussetzt. Gleichzeitig meint er, der Klageersteller wisse ja gar nich was so Sache ist. Das eine schließt das andere dann ja wohl aus. Depp!

    Dazu kommt noch das er ja nicht mal weiß wer der Anzeigenersteller war. Jedenfalls nicht der, von dem er es glaubt. Doppeldepp.

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