2024.04.25 – Interrogation as a witness went as expected

As already expected, today’s interrogation was about a new investigation by the Siegen public prosecutor’s office against Brigitte Sommer for (attempted) process fraud. We have already reported on this in the past.

By the way, it’s no use, dear star lawyer for the opposing side, if you deny the Siegen public prosecutor’s office access to the files in order to save your client’s ass. The plaintiff also has the files and, as a witness, he made the relevant pages available to the public prosecutor.

So, in addition to the investigation into fraud at the StA Hanau, the investigation into defamation and insult (also StA Hanau), we now also have an investigation into process fraud at the Siegen public prosecutor’s office. And thanks to the cleverness of the opposing lawyer, there will soon be the next trial for violating the “Einstweilige Verfügung”.

Some collect stamps, others collect beer mats. Our Sonja collects lost trials. You can’t start a collection with the two she already has……..

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