2024.05.08 – Hypocrisy at its finest!

The following text has been found posted from one of the biggest animal cruelty lobbyists around.

English Translation:
Wolf attack on herd of suckler cows
Lower Saxony, Schwanewede, on the night of 05/06/24 to 05/07/24
Unfortunately, when I made the daily routine trip to my herd of suckler cows in the afternoon, they weren’t like any other.
When I arrived at the pasture, I immediately noticed that the wire for dividing the pasture was visibly damaged over a length of 30m and was protruding into the ditch. This is usually very unusual and made me suspicious.
When I arrived at the ditch, I discovered that a mother cow and her calf were lying dead in the ditch and had significant bite marks.
I then immediately informed the responsible hunter and the Chamber of Agriculture, which is responsible for wolf attacks.
Traces were examined together with the responsible people, DNA samples were taken and what happened was discussed. Based on the tracks and the picture on site, one is absolutely certain that it is one or more wolves. This was confirmed by the crack marks and a track.
For me personally as a suckler cow owner, but also as a normal thinking person, it is terrible to see how my animals died in this way. The thought of the fight between the cow in the ditch, which can hardly move, and the wolf makes me stunned, sad and angry at the same time. I lack any understanding of why everything else is put aside for a single animal species.
I would like politicians to finally act and not only when it is too late and there are no more grazing animals!!
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Here’s what drives us mad like hell:

“For me personally as a suckler cow owner, but also as a normal thinking person, it is terrible to see how my animals died in this way. The thought of the fight between the cow in the ditch, which can hardly move, and the wolf makes me stunned, sad and angry at the same time. I lack any understanding of why everything else is put aside for a single animal species.”

Yes, a horrible fight between a cow / calf and some wolves. Nobody wants to see this, suffer this, notice it. But remember: the cow was fenced for your own profit, for being killed because of the luxury needs of others who pay you for this. The cow would not have even existed if you torturers and killers wouldn’t want to eat them. Which means, they are stuffed to the dozens in far too small transporters, transported over many miles where they end up at the slaughter house. They can hear their fellows scream and moan, the know they will be dead in no time. And then they do not die softly and peaceful in the most cases, they suffer.

It is hard for you to see that your animals die? So you don’t slaughter them yourself, you get payed only for breeding and delivery? I see, that makes sense. You certainly love your beloved ones so much that you sell them to be killed. Did you sell your children, too?

The ditch was dug so it could drain the fields that you use to fence animals to be killed later on. So all the reason why these cows died is YOUR fucking fault, not the one of the wolves, asshole.

But in one case you are right: we lack the understanding of why one fucking species like these sucking humans are put above all others and everything else comes second place for the ones who ruin this planet, exterminate and kill other species. Why don’t you start eating your own species?

We would really love to show you how cruel members of your own species can be even to themselves!

A POI has been added as the author of these lines is known.

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