2024.05.17 – Camping in the forest – what a “wonderful” idea

Regarding this article, in which the municipality of Neunkirchen offers a platform for camping in the forest (with a toilet), we have a few remarks:

  • Wild camping is NOT prohibited here, only the use of a tent is not permitted. Anyone who simply lies down in the forest with a sleeping bag is not committing an administrative offense.
  • The height of the platform of 40 cm above the ground protects against no animals at all, possibly even a snake, which there are hardly any here anyway.
  • 10 euros for one night / tent is quite expensive, but you also have a toilet in which you can lock yourself in for safety if the wild boars or loose dogs get curious.
  • You will never be able to observe a thousand stars here, as the light pollution from the surrounding communities is far too high.
  • The location of the platform is probably only hidden from outsiders 😉
  • Let’s see if we can’t put a few cameras there, that’ll definitely be fun. We used to have fun raiding camps in various youth groups like Boy Scouts, CVJM or whatever. This could be a lot of fun.
  • Let’s hang the waterproof JBL box in the tree somewhere and see how tough the campers are.
  • Such nonsense ideas can only come from our special friend with the “P” in her name 🙂 But maybe she can offer it for 15 Euros per night, as “haunted camping”.

If we want to see the stars or hear wild animals while sleeping, we leave the windows of our house open. It takes a few hours until you close them again: the birds are loud as hell, in some seasons the deer are barking at the fence and our dogs join in, the boars are grunting and munching, the owls are howling and the raccoons and martens are starting a rebellion in our shed. Only at rainy nights it gets calm and silent. Except from the rain.

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