2024.05.28 – When even the last brain cell gives up

We cannot repeat it often enough: the self-proclaimed “Wolfspädagoge’s” statements bordering on childish actions regarding wolves or his ambitions to gain a foothold in local politics only interest us insofar as they amuse us quite a bit.

We find dealing with his animals less funny. Once again there is strong reason to complain. We did that to the relevant authorities. Maybe they’ll explain to him that you can no longer complain about a 19-year-old tire to the dealer/manufacturer.

Trailer tires. Date of manufacture: 19th calendar week 2005. So 19 years old!!!
Which idiot puts the main weight a) on the rear of the vehicle, b) on the tailgate, c) risks getting punctured when braking or rear-ending
and d) also transports his dogs like that? This not only means having no proof of expertise regarding dogs, but also having your driver’s license revoked!
And look at the rear tires of the truck. How old are those?

The net will last max. 5 minutes, the rope will never hold the whole construction when the tailgate brakes off. Why does a pickup owner not have
tension straps? Is that car only a penis extension? I think so…….

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