2024.06.10 – European Elections, various elections in “brown” areas of Germany

Well, I’m a lot into politics. Rather global politics than those made for one-horse-towns like Mestlin, but this time things were different.

At first it is important to say, that those elections for the European Parliament have become quite more “right-wing”. Which is not a bad thing in common. “Right” means a political orientation and not automatically being a “Nazi” or alike. And usually I think it is pretty good when right-wing parties like “AfD” (the German “Alternative für Deutschland”) put the snobby politicians a bit under pressure.

Democracy means, a lot of ingredients in the the dough make the cake. A good thing. Too much from one makes the cake taste bad. And here’s the point with these elections.

Even German politics touches me only a little bit as I currently live here (but am not forced to), I always tried ot be fair. If a party like “AfD” had some good ideas – why not agree, why not share. Good is good even when it comes from a party most people don’t like. Also “BSW” or the prettified “Die Linke” (formerly known as “SED”) have some good ideas and points. Why not support those ideas even one would never vote for them?

Due to my special friend, King Mützenkasper I., elected King of a sad country strip in those mentioned “brown areas” of Germany, I was looking far more detailed to the East as I usually would do. So I looked at the “Kreistagswahl” at Ludwigslust-Parchim, something like a district’s parliament. First reaction was a big grin: the King didn’t make it beyond the 1 %. So many clever people over there.

Really? Nope. “AfD”, that extremist right-wing party, has become 2nd place, with only 1% less than one of Germany’s largest party, “CDU”. I don’t want to slam the “Nazi-Keule” here, but it’s not so much about intelligence with those people, than I thought. The people in the east want to protest against the mainly stupid politics that is done due to major parties, but who do they chose? The one who will cut off the branch they’re sitting on faster as they can spell “Ludwigslust-Parchim”. They will suffer the most from voting for such a party. I love animals, I love pets, I’m a vet and a vegan – but politics is more than animals. I would never vote for something like “Tierschutzpartei”, as they will do a great job in their specific range, but beyond? We need people like “Tierschutzpartei”, but please not as secretary of foreign affairs, or secretary of the interior.

We need to think about migrants, Islam, religions in common, asylum rights and so much more. We need people like the “AfD”, but please not as a secretary of foreign affairs or the interior, nor economics or anything else.

No matter if “Tierschutzpartei” or “AfD” – if either of them get’s too many votes, this country will go down the drains. So here’s to say, if the election results for the European Parliament will look the same for the next “Bundestagswahl”, it’s time to pack the bags and go. On the other hand, I’d rather have an animal sanctuary / shelter at every corner and meat will cost 200 € per 100 g, than flags and torchlite hikes after sundown. A little “AfD” is like spice in the sauce, too much is like pepper spray in the eyes 😉

But okay, I’m, not a fortune teller. There’s still some time to see what’s coming. Or rather not. German parties are yelling for new elections as this “Ampel-Regierung” has finished. Better now than later, if you want to go to the puppet theater, you don’t enter the “Bundestag”, do you?

So, here’s what my observed “Kreistag” in “Dunkeldeutschland” will look like. At least one threat didn’t make it (marked yellow). There must be a few more intelligent people in that county. Voting for “AfD” means having hope. Voting for the “Snowman” only shows, you expect nothing more from life.

Btw….. before we point to the East and blame those citizens for voting “brown”, take a look at our counties. We do not have an animal sanctuary at every corner, but a church. There’s more churches here than supermarkets. And how did the People of God, the Chosen One’s, the Christians vote?

I would not have thought “AfD” would go beyond 10 percent – I was wrong. But that is the county. Look closer to where I live, where the best of the Christians reside.

Nearly 20 % AfD. That’s okay, as nobody voted for “Die Grünen” 😉 Nobody needs that leftist-extremists. Look even a little bit closer, the village where I live (“Salchendorf” is part of “Neunkirchen”).

Honestly? So here’s the source of evil! 20 % vote the AfD, which is pretty stupid, and about 7 % vote for “Die Grünen”, which is stupidity in perfection. I’m shocked. But as a friend of mine (died with 85 years) once told me: “they go into the churches with the Bibles and praise the Lord. They drool hypocrisy. And as soon as church is over, they go to the barn and polish the StuKas they hide there”. I believe he was right!

Now…… as always I write far too much irrelevant stuff 😉 Here’s why I looked at the elections at all:

He made it. Thomas Frost is Mayor of the city (*cough*) of Mestlin, which has about 1000 citizens and as much livestock. I am honest, my first thought was “how can people be so stupid”? But no, they are clever!

Until know the newborn king never needed to prove his knowledge, expertise, trustworthiness. He could talk like a hair dryer, all day long. It is like religion: if you never prove there is a God, there’s also no chance for people to prove there’s no God. How would you prove the non-existant?

Now he must prove and can prove that he’s the man. He’s got five years to prove that we were all wrong and treated him wrong, because he is such a genius and warm, sensitive, truth-loving and trustworthy guy. If he can’t (and he can’t!) that’s it for him for the rest of the days.

On the other side: how sad and hopeless must the situation in the eastern part of Germany be, when 211 people vote a guy like him for Mayor ***? They got perfect streets, glass fiber internet, but obiously a total lack of chaplains and psychiatrist! 40 % and more voted for AfD. No panic, there’s hope. But 20 % of Mestlin’s citizens voted for Frost. They’re lost. R.I.P.

A very personal word at the end.

I’d live with a Nazi in my neighborhood. We would drink a beer and leave each other alone, or they would go to jail. With that King of Mestlin it would definetely be me who’d go to jail. No beers. No whisky. I don’t drink with people who treat their animals like he does. And I beat people who treat people and animals like he does.

But I’m in the glad position that I do not have to live in that one-horse town close to the King of Dingeling nor in a country strip with so many disorders in their right arm. I do not have to live in this “outdoor psychiatry” called Germany at all. Or let’s say……. I can apply to change my job and so my residence.

Okay, in this spirit let’s keep an eye on the commited suicides in some parts of the country and enjoy the forthcoming actions of King Dingeling of Mestlin.

***) he’s not really a Mayor. The administration is in Goldberg-Mildenitz, so he’s more like a Gatekeeper 😉

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