Update 2024.06.29 – Welcome at COPPERFIELD, Copperfields :)

Update: forgot the pictures, have put them in a second video 😉

While our fox family had no offspring in 2023 and we were already a bit worried, we were hoping for this year.

As always, we leave the fox dens completely alone – even if we know where they are. We don’t have to set up game cameras there or lie in wait with a camouflage tent and then publish pictures on social media for our own ego and to underline what animal welfare heroes we are.

If there are offspring, the foxes will introduce them to us.

Recently it was “Pünktchen’s” birthday, the daughter of “Sir” and “Lady Copperfield” – and there were a few apples and a few more cameras. We couldn’t have guessed that we would also be introduced to the kids on this occasion.

Welcome to NSG SI-130, welcome to our property, you little ones 🙂

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